Products that we offer
Credit Report
Gain easy access to a free credit report. Your personalised dashboard provides a holistic view of your credit score and solutions to improve it.
Credit Rehabilitation
The Credit Rehabilitation product is designed to improve and promote your financial health.
Credit Gateway Financial Services has redefined loans by being the loan advisor instead of the Loan provider.
Financial Wellness Score
Credit Gateway Financial Services has created a financial service platform for you to measure your financial health, identify the areas where you need help and seamlessly access the product or service to improve it.
Retrenchment Assist
In these difficult times, companies are forced to take extreme and unfortunate measures, and retrench employees. This product has been designed to provide practical support and advice for retrenched people.
The right affordable Insurance matters. Unnecessary expensive insurance does not matter. That’s why our goal provide insurance that doesn’t only take into consideration your financial wellness but also covers your most important risks first.
Attorneys are available 24-hours a day, ready to provide telephonic legal advice and information.
A noteworthy 24/7 EAP trauma and counseling service performed over the telephone.
Payroll Financing
Payroll financing is a type funding that quickly gets business’s cash to pay employees on time. This is possible through a process of building successful payment history.