
Credit Rehabilitation

The Credit Report fix product is designed to improve and promote financial health of employees, the employees’ current credit profile gets assessed, this provides the employees with the details of their accounts, statuses, balances and payments. Depending on the outcome, the employee receives the appropriate options to rehabilitate their credit profile.
We make sure that each account listed is correct. If there are any judgements, Debt review or Admin orders listed, we inform the employee. If there are any incorrect listings, we rectify and update the credit bureau information. We make sure that there are no accounts that show signs of reckless lending, all reckless lending accounts are reported, investigated and removed.

Withdrawal of:

  • Administration Orders
  • Debt Review Listings
  • Judgements
  • Default Listings
  • Garnishee Order
  • Reckless Lending
  • Prescriptions

Our decision making logic is based on the following methodology:

Stop Creating
more Debt

If you continue adding new debt while you’re paying old debt, you won’t make much progress.
For example, we suggest that you remove the temptation to create more debt by cutting up your credit cards or even freezing your credit.

Fix Your
Credit Report

  • We will assess all your debt at all the major credit bureaus and confirm that all your outstanding loan balances are correct.
  • We will determine if you have any loans that qualify for removal. There may be debt that you don’t have to repay, such as debt that already prescribed or loans that were granted to you recklessly.
  • Once your credit balances are correct, we determine if you have any illegal Judgements, Defaults, OR Debt Review listing that should be withdrawn.
  • We then prioritise the repayment of debt that will improve your Credit score. Judgements, Adverse listings and then arrears amounts will be paid first. It is important to prioritise arrears amount of your secured debt to protect your assets.

Stop Creating
more Debt

We optimise your debt repayment strategy.
There are different ways to become debt-free, but there is one strategy that will work best for you.
We will show you the best repayment strategy based on your personal debt situation.

Different Strategies:

Budget Strategy

Consolidation Loan

Debt Negotiation

Debt Counselling